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Jelly (jelly386) and Connie (constantineishere) Jelly (jelly386) and Connie (constantineishere)

"Within the depths of the Castle, the Voters have stumbled upon something mysterious...Growling and making strange noises, overwhelming the presence of the narrow path, stands a stumbling mess of flesh and bones, covered in muck. The party in shook, as before them stands Devouring Dragon.

Upon closer inspection, those withered bubbling parts of skin were not an infection, but a mutation, screaming and wailing in pain, a pile of previous Venturing Voters.

"Get the Blade!.."`` "Do not lose logic upon your path..." "World is cruel, not even rain can wash away the blood..." "The principle! Do not..."

Their attempts at advice and plead for help is fruitless, pointless, even. They seek others to help on ended journey, which will never see a good end.

But maybe you, Voters, can not meet the same fate. Do not let Fear overcome. Do not Hunger for weeb streams. And remember you need to vote for Fear & Hunger to see the Dragon in the Dungeon in the right place, where he may find rest.

Base sprite, editing and message constructed by Connie
Refining, shading, painting, rendering and editor help by Jelly
Cat Girl Sprite mod by: https://www.youtube.com/@sapogdarce"

I'm less and less sure what Fear and Hunger is about.
Vote it if you wanna know!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(Zorgrox) (Zorgrox)

"So there's a reason I've never posted fanart before, because uh, this doesn't belong in the museum:Jomseph: , but Sam (samrambo) had the exact opposite idea as me and Kaylie said this would be a good segue, so here we go!"

Yeah I think it was funny as hell but god damn that took like 20 mins after i said to do it

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Sam (samrambo) Sam (samrambo)

"โ€˜Vote Rain world for a fear and hunger like experience.โ€™ Wait I think I got my wires crossed. Anyways vote rain world."

Are we still on rainworld? I think that's the end. I'm not sure anymore

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"Logging into jads before jadseya looks like this. Too many good games, I don't know what to draw propaganda for so I went with everything (Rain World/Pathologic/Fear and Hunger/Xenoblade propaganda I guess)."

I... I uh... Whe- which... Ah well, let's roll with it. That banner is a sign, lets continue with Xenoblade propagana!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)